Monday 22 April 2013

Super Science!

Separating Mixtures
We have now started out new topic, which is heavily based on Science.  Our topic title is POTIONS.  On Friday we were faced with a problem in 6C.  Mr Oopsy Daisy was making a delivery to school, but dropped everything and all of the items mixed together.  Within the mixture there was: sand, salt, paper clips and gravel.
Our task was to help Mr Oopsy Daisy separate the mixture again successfully.
We started out by discussing what we knew about separating materials.  We had previously learnt about evaporation, filtering and sieving.
Sieving - Separating the big bits from the small bits.
Filtering - Separating a soluble and insoluble material (sand and sal solution).
Evaporation - A liquid changing into a vapour (gas). 
After we had discussed our ideas, we made a plan, which involved a setp-by-step approach.  It was great to hear everyone in class using key scientific words, including: soluble and insoluble.  It was amazing how everyone linked their learning to this situation. Mr Clarke also gave out other equipment that wasn't needed, but the children had discussed exactly what they needed and what they were going to use.  They knew they also needed a magnet to separate the paper clips!
The challenge was set and it was tme to investigate....
We were really successful in separating the mixtures.  Below are some pictures showing each of the groups at work.

Tomorrow we are moving on and starting to carry out more investigations.  Our main focus tomorrow is measuring the change of temperature.  For this, we will be investigating thermal insulators.

Check out the children's own blogs at:

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